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Free up your time to have a greater impact.

Let me handle the creative and tech tasks that keep your small business or organization visible so you can get back to work.

When you work on your own — as a solopreneur or owner of a small business — there’s no marketing department, no design department, no IT department to support the work you do every day.

It’s up to you to keep the business running smoothly, in addition to doing the work itself.

It can be overwhelming and chaotic. Even when it does go well, it keeps you from the work you’d rather be doing.

That’s where I come in. I take the creative and tech stuff — the sh*t you hate doing — off your hands, giving you more time to build your business, have a greater impact on more people, and have a life outside of work. 

You have a big vision. Lean into my expertise so you can make it come to life.



Content, content, and more content. You know your business needs it, but who’s got time to create it?
I do! Let me handle your content management/strategy, content marketing, content writing, graphic design, and editing.


If your business isn’t on the internet, your business will be out of business. Whether you need a new or better WordPress website, your newsletter and blog posts formatted and published, or regular updates to keep your website secure, I’ve got you covered.


Been meaning to start a podcast as the core of your marketing strategy? All you have to do is press record. I’ll do the rest — editing and publishing the podcast, writing show notes and creating graphics, and repurposing the audio for social graphics, blog posts, newsletters, and more.

Let’s figure out a custom solution for your business!


For more than a decade, I’ve worked only with organizations and businesses that are making a positive impact on their communities and the planet. Partnering with me will not only free up your time to focus on your passion but also give you peace of mind that you’re aligning yourself with someone who shares your values of progressive social change and has a passion for amplifying the good work you do.

Together, we can create meaningful change while achieving your business goals.

Lisa is about as easy-going and reliable a person as one would want as a co-worker. Reliable, not easily flustered, rolls with the vagaries of contract work.

Peter Clutterbuck

Community Planning Consultant

Like, holy fuck. … This is insanely good.

Barnabe Geis

Communications Lead, Centre for Social Innovation


I believe in opportunity and access for all people across differences of race, age, color, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, migratory status, disability/abilities, and socioeconomic background.

I have zero tolerance for things like homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia, and ableism.

I’d love to work with you if you share these values.

12 + 9 =

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